Thank you for your interest in our Judo and Ju-Jitsu Club.
If you like the Judo Club Basel after a few training sessions, if you would like to join our club and continue to participate in our training sessions or if you would simply like to support the club as a passive member, then we would be pleased to receive your club application.
You can apply directly online below. Information on membership fees can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact one of our officers.
Club de-registration
Anyone wishing to deregister from the Judo Club Basel cannot do so online, but only in person with the President.
Notices of resignation must be sent in writing and registered to the President with a 30-day notice period. Resignations are only possible at the end of the semester.
Statutes of Judo Club Basel, Art. 20
The semesters end on 30th June and 31th December. Thus the de-registration has to be sent by 31th May or 30th November.
The entire statutes can be found under Statutes.
All functionaries and therefore also the president are listed here.